Initially, was Chips (CHiPs), an American television series in 139 episodes of 47 minutes, created by Rick Rosner and broadcast between September 15, 1977 and May 1, 1983 on the NBC network.
In France, eight episodes were broadcast from September 18, 1983 as part of the program Dimanche Martin on Antenne 2, then broadcast of seasons 1 and 2 from April 24, 1986 in À fond la caisse on La Cinq. Finally, in its entirety from May 30, 1984 until July 1, 1995 on TF1.
A film adaptation of the series was released in 2017: CHiP'S 99.
Then ...
A keen interest in the "California Highway Patrol" (CHP) through all of its missions and its unique history in the history of American law enforcement.
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Finally, ...
A special relationship for my gray BMW 1150 RT ... Dating from 2002 and in my possession for more than ten years ...
And all this gave life to a project ... Child's dream ...
Start from the Gray BMW R 1150 RT and transform it into the BMW R 1150 RT-P of the California Highway Patrol!
And as a bonus, dress the pilot in the most faithful reproduction possible of the outfit of the "Motor Officers" of the CHP.
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